If a group $N$ acts on a set $X$, a simplicial set $Bar(X,N)$ using the usual bar construction has been provided. In this construction, if the group $N$ acts on a group $G$ via a homomorphism $f:N\rightarrow G$, then $Bar(G,N)$ has a simplicial set structure. In the case of $f$ has a crossed module structure, $Bar(G,N)$ has a normal simplicial group structure. In this work, by defining an action of a crossed module $\partial: N_1 \longrightarrow X_1$ on a homomorphism of groups $f: N_2 \longrightarrow X_2 $ via a double map $\alpha: \partial\rightarrow f$, we will construct a bisimplicial set, using the 2-dimensional version of the usual Bar construction.