CuboDAQ is a custom data acquisition system to read out SiPM-based detectors. It features electronic boards to digitize the SiPMs signal, an FPGA-based system-on-module board, the connectivity to transmit the data to a central server, and all the software necessary to operate them. The front-end is based on the TOFPET2 ASIC, produced by PETsys, connected to a custom board, featuring an Enclustra Mercury SA1 module with a Cyclone V FPGA. Multiple boards can be operated synchronously by distributing the clock and synchronous reset signals from a central source. The system features a complete software framework to calibrate and monitor the detectors, to acquire and process data and to perform track reconstruction. The CuboDAQ system performance has been evaluated in different scenarios and can cope with sustained rates of above 4·106 hits/s, with peaks of more than 7·106 hits/s. This system has been employed for the readout of the SND@LHC detector at CERN, a testbeam telescope and lab setups.
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