The igneous rocks in deep formations of the Xushen gasfield have the following characters: high abrasive property, high hardness, and high drillability, which lead to many drill bit accidents, few footage per bit , low efficiency of drilling, long drilling cycle, these severely restrict the exploration and development process of gas field. According to the features of deep formation, a hybird cutters bit is designed. It has three cones, with the overhang cone , duplicate taper and offset cone characters. The tungsten carbide cutters and the polycrystalline diamond compacts cutters are alternative collocation in the same tooth row in the bit. The exposed height of the tungsten carbide cutters is higher than polycrystalline diamond compacts cutters. The back rake angle of polycrystalline diamond compacts cutters is 10 ~ 40 °, the side rake angle is 10 ~ 30 °. The normal direction of working face stay the same with the composite slip direction, and the side rake pointed at adjacent gullet. Through the design method, it is integrated that the advantages of roller bit and PDC bit, the way of impact breakage and rotational shear breakage and the prominent performance of tungsten carbide cutters and polycrystalline diamond compacts cutters. It can improveROP and bit life.
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