Introduction . Metabolic correction of the consequences of extensive (especially combined) intestinal resections requires enormous efforts due to weight loss, a decrease in plasma albumin concentration of less than 30 g/l, electrolyte disorders, organ failure, etc. There are consequences in the form of short small intestine syndrome, postcolectomy syndrome and the combined consequences of resections of the small and large intestine. The most severe changes are after combined thin-thick-intestinal resections, the prevalence of which continues to increase. Nevertheless, the data on the occurrence of combined resections (thin-colon) are very contradictory. Aim . To analyze the effectiveness of nutritional correction programs in SBS syndrome due to extensive combined small-colonic resections and to characterize possible ways of correcting metabolic complications with the help of nutritional correction, taking into account the optimization of absorption in the intestine. Materials and methods . We examined 208 patients with combined extensive resection of the small intestine with right-sided hemicolectomy (65% of men and 35% of women). Metabolic changes, nutritional characteristics and reparation under the influence of nutritional correction in this category of patients are described. Results . Data on the restoration of lost functions are presented, which is based on the analysis of the mechanisms of adaptation and cellular regeneration. Regenerative aspects of hormonal (enteroglucagon) regulation of intestinal functions after its extensive resection and artificial alimentation are closely related. Conclusion . It is advisable to introduce teduglutide into the treatment structure to stimulate rehabilitation absorption processes after extensive combined intestinal resections.
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