Abstract Purpose To determine the prevalence of ocular diseases among young males and to assess the main ocular causes reflecting discharge from military service in Poland. Methods A retrospective review of the medical records, of the 105017 men preliminary examined to military service during the period 1993‐2004. All of them were of European Caucasian origin. Sample size for the study was calculated with 99% confidence, within an error bound of 5%. Data regarding the vision status was assessed in 1938 eyes of 969 subjects. Based on the age of subjects they were divided into two groups; group I aged 18‐24 and group II aged 25‐34. Results Presenting visual impairment (VA <20/40) followed by color vision defects was the commonest ocular disorder and accounted for 13.21%. There were statistically significant differences of uncorrected visual acuity as well as of rates of particular refractive errors, in between age groups (p<0.05). Orthoptic problems, including various types of strabismus, were recorded in 3.61% subjects. Totally, 302(31.17%) males failed their medical examination and were temporally or permanently discharged from duty. Of them 52 (17.22%) subjects were discharged due to various ocular disorders. High refractive errors followed by chronic and recurrent diseases of posterior eye segment were the commonest ocular causes and accounted for 38.46%. Conclusion Prevalence of ocular disorders among young males in unselected military population was closer to the results obtained in other population‐based studies comprising both males and females in the same age group. High refractive errors followed by chronic and recurrent diseases of posterior eye segment are important causes of medical discharges from military service.
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