A disease is a particular abnormal ,pathological condition that effects part or all of an organism or a pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes ,such as infection,gentic defect or environmental stress ,and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. Depending upon the way it is affecting on a person ,we classify diseases in to several types .They are communicable diseases,heriditotry diseases , life style diseases ,seasonal diseases ,deficiency diseases ,heart diseases etc. Healthy life style factors are the primary prevention of coronary health diseases .Smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and physical inactivity are more prevalent among SEP(Socio Economic Position) person. Social inequalities in chronic disease morbidity and mortality will persist in the next decades (UN Report).Non communicable diseases are now the leading cause of death around the world ,with developing countries hit fast ,according to a new report from the WHO.WHO says the rise in life style diseases can be blamed on tobacco use, poor diet and harmful use of alcohol. A sharp rise in life style diseases such as heart problems and strokes coupled with a lack of adequate preventive health care threatens India’s future growth prospects.Life style disease is a disease associated with the way a person or group of people lives.There are mostly common in developed nations where people are inclined towards eating un healthy food, having a sedentarily life style and an unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. It can be prevented by making simple changes in daily routine and following a healthier way of livingLife style diseases or diseases of civilization are diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer. A disease associated with the way a person or group peoples lives. There are mostly common in developed nation where people are inclined towards eating unhealthy food, having a sedentarily life style and un healthy habits like smoking, drinking and taking alcohol.They can include Heart disease,diabetic,Stroke ,Alzheimers,Cirrhosis,Asthma,Hyper tension etc.These are caused to a large extent by dietary changes in relation to socio economic and living environmental conditions. The stress of modern living is causing enormous a burden on health care globally. Poor eating habits sleep deprivation and secondary life style has contributed to growth of life style diseases. Hyper tension is associated with the incidence of some diet related non-communicable diseases such as stroke and coronary heart diseases .Life style diseases are different from other diseases because they are potentially preventable, and can be lowered with changes in diet, life style, and environment and by supplement with vitamin D.According to WHO, world’s death from life style disease will double by 2015 unless all out effort is taken to combat them. Main causes /reasons of these life style diseases are Habits, Unhealthy lifestyles/Behaviors and Practices etc.It can be prevented by making simple changes in daily routine and following a healthier way of living.Few basic change includes quitting smoking ,avoiding alcohol, having a balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruites ,regular physical activities and leading a stress free life.Yoga is re-union of mind and body to the God. Depending upon the way in which it is practicing it can be divided into several types like†Khada yogaâ€,â€Dhyana yogaâ€, “Raja yogaâ€,â€Sidha yoga†etc etc.Normally Indians are practicing Khada yoga (hatha yoga).It is nothing but bending and stretching of the bodies. This is the only exercise which starts and ends with prayer to the God.Yoga practice imparting positive energy to us.It will give a energy through out life.Yoga is a slow practicing exercise .One who practice yoga in hurry-burry is to have short temper in nature.30% of our bodies waste is going out through excretion and sweating and 70% is through breathing .Yoga is giving importance to breathing.In this paper you can see how the life style diseases can control through yoga practices.
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