In today’s era due to unending process of globalization, we are acquiring the western culture blinding like eating fast food, preserved food, late night sleeping or shifting duties and secondary life style with lot of stress, due to this, disturbances in metabolism occurs hence there is increasing incidences of life style disorders like Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Obesity etc. later in chronic condition this patients comes with chronic kidney diseases. As per Ayurveda CKD is disease of mutravaha strotasa and It correlated with Mutraghata. Formation and Excretion of urine is takes place in pakwashaya. Basti is one of the main marma out of three marma. If problem takes place in these marma it becomes life threatening. Hence it is need of era to find out supportive, rejuneuating treatment for such patients to expel the toxins from the body. Hence Pratham triphala rasayana this drug is chosen for CKD patients. It is Anulomak, its action on pakwashaya, it regulates Apana vayu hence toxins expel out from the body, because of rasayana effect datu vardhana also takes place. Pratham triphala rasayana contains Survary Haritaki, Aamalaki, Bibhitaki. As per Charak Aacharya one Surwari Haritaki is given in the morning empty stomach,2 Bibhitaki is given before meal and 4 Aamalaki is given after meal with honey and ghee respectively. Here Charakacharya has mentioned this does in the form of phala or fruit, since the size and weight of every fruit of triphala differs hence it is highly impossible to conduct clinical trial on it. Therefore we have decided to standardize the fruit(phala) and convert it into its churna form so that equal dose of this rasayana can be given to the patients which are under trial.
While entering into 21st century,human life is becoming so fast that we are totally ignoring our day to day healthy activities or in other words we are not adopting classical dinacharya and rutucharya described in Ayurvedic Samhitas
It is need of era to find out supportive, rejuneuating treatment for such patients to expel the toxins from the body. Pratham triphala rasayana this drug is chosen for CKD patients
As per Charak Aacharya one Surwari Haritaki is given in the morning empty stomach,[2] Bibhitaki is given before meal and 4 Aamalaki is given after meal with honey and ghee respectively
While entering into 21st century ,human life is becoming so fast that we are totally ignoring our day to day healthy activities or in other words we are not adopting classical dinacharya and rutucharya described in Ayurvedic Samhitas. In the unending process of Globalization we are acquiring the western culture blindly like eating fast food, preserved food, late night sleeping or shifting duties and secondary life style with lot of stress. This all results in increasing prevalent rate of Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, and Obesity even in younger generation. Since early age groups are the victims of those life style disorder it is ends in its grove complications mainly acute and chronic renal failure. For this burning problem of society, modern science interventions like. That equal dose of this rasayana can be given to the patients which are under trial
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