The surface of the sea is anisotropic. The main factor responsible for this anisotropy is the wind. The anisotropy of the surface leads to the anisotropy of the radio-wave backscattering, i.e., the relationship between a specific cross section o of the surface and the azimuth angle ~ between the direction of the probe and the direction of the wind at the surface. In principle, this allows us to use the data from the measurement of the scattering anisotropy of a radar signal to obtain information regarding the structure of the surface as well as of the wind at the surface, for example, to determine the direction of the wind [i-3]. To make this possibility real, as well as to determine the accuracies which can be achieved by a noncontact radar wind-direction gauge, we need a detailed theoretical and experimental study into the relationship between the anisotropy of the reflected signal and the geometry of the experiment, the state of surface agitation, and the hydrometeorological conditions.* The radio-wave scattering anisotropy of the sea surface was observed over a period of fifty years [5] and was then studied by numerous authors, both experimentally and theoretically (see, for example, [3] and the bibliography cited in that reference). However, these investigations are even now still far from completion. The experimental data on sea-surface radio-wave backscattering anisotropy cited in the literature are still far from complete and quite inaccurate, which has been noted by a number of authors. This is governed primarily by the difficulties of carrying out natural experiments under conditions of substantial space-time variations in the characteristics of the surface, as well as by the shortcomings of the experimental methods and the processing of the resulting data. The most satisfactory data were obtained from measurements aboard an aircraft flying circular patterns over the surface of the sea at a fixed angle of irradiation [3, ii]. However, these cover only a region of comparatively large slip angles ~ from 30 to 50 ~ . Data for slip angles smaller than 20-30 ~ are extremely fragmented, incomplete, and at times simply contradictory. Thus, for example, in [4] we find the contention that the ratio of the scattering cross sections for surface irradiation into and with the wind - let us denote this as Ktl - in the three-centimeter radio-wave band is independent of polarization and does not exceed 1.5-2 dB, whereas in [9] for ~ ~ i ~ we have values of this parameter equal to 5 dB *We note that the information regarding the anisotropy of the reflected radio-location signal is needed also for the case in which the object being studied is not the wind, but certain other factors which affect the scattering cross section (contamination, rippling, internal waves, precipitation, etc.), i.e., when the wind variations in the radio-location signal are caused by noise.
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