Protein nutrition of ruminants as well as other animal species, should be considered as an amino acid nutrition, since not protein as such, but amino acids are the main material for the synthesis of milk proteins, tissues, enzymes, many hormones, neuropeptides and others that play an important role in ensuring the vital functions of the body. Studying the eff ects of diff erent levels of DPR and ratios UPR:DPR with diff erent content of raw protein in rations for nitrogen metabolism, eff ectiveness of feed protein use and dairy productivity of cows is of great scientifi c and practical importance. The purpose of the researches was to determine the optimal levels of undigested protein in rumen (UPR) and digested protein in rumen (DPR) and to determine the possibility of reducing protein consumption in the rations of high-yielding Holstein cows during the early lactation period. It has been found that in rations with 15,7 % crude protein (CP) the optimal ratio was UPR:DPR = 35:65 (UPR – 5,44 %, DPR – 10,3 % DM), which has been confi rmed by the more active formation of free lysine and methionine in the rumen, the yield of microbial protein, higher coeffi cients of digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen, fi ber, higher yield of lysine and methionine in the duodenal chyme, as well as the lowest losses of protein consumed in the process of rumen digestion. Dairy productivity of cows on this ration was at the level of that of cows on rations with 17,7 % CP – 38,7 kg/day when it contains 3,72 % fat and 3,27 % protein. On the ration with the same CP content (15,7 %), but the ratio of UPR:DPR = 50:50 there was a signifi cant decrease in feed consumption (P < 0,01) and the decrease in dairy productivity of cows, which was probably due to the low level of formation of ammonium nitrogen NH3 -N in the rumen.
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