Purposes: The unprecedented and sequence through which an estimate of 25 million lives have gone to their early grave yard through Acquired Immune-deficiency Syndrome HIV/AIDS can never be quantified; since, when it was first describes in 1981. In 2017/2018 by (UNAIDS) it was estimated globally for about 36.9millions people were living with Human, Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) so to say. Henceforth the progress made in the field of treatment in the form of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) disease has not been fully ascertain for the cure of HIV/AIDS; except, perpetual clinical suppressions. Thus, the current challenges that man kinds faces with the used of perpetual intake of antiretroviral therapy (clinical suppression)/artificial vaccine is un-justifiable. However, search for HIV therapy have open a new chapter in the search for novel drugs from Kaduna Polytechnic procedure. This review focuses on vitamins, antioxidant, mineral and supplement as sources of in-hibitors or eradications for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV) reverse transcriptase. Objective: To assess whether vitamins, antioxidant, minerals supplement are effective and safe in eradicating mortality and morbidity among populace with HIV infection. Selection criteria: Randomized control trials were selected that compared the effect of vitamins (A, C, D, E, K,), antioxidant, minerals and supplement with regard to treatment measures in HIV infected persons. Methods: To prevent authors bias, based on a systematic search of literature; anti-HIV reverse transcriptase activity of some plant’s species like those of Eucalyptus leaves, Garlic fresh fruits, Baobab leaves, aloe vera, neem leaves, moringa leaves, bitter leaves etc. respectively. Thus, these medicinal plants contain an appreciable or above values antioxidant compound or photochemical like those of Phenolic, anthraquinone, tannin, falconoid, terpenoid, lignin, coumarins etc. respectively. Contrarywise, these phytochemical compounds have been exploited traditionally for the cure of many diseases as well as inhibition of viral replication/transcription. Further investigations have shared more light through which phytochemicals compounds inhibit virus replication either during the viral entry inside the host cell or during their replication. Originality: in view of the current investigation or to accelerate drug discovery and innovation, this review recommends the urgent need to tap into the enrich locally available endogenous knowledge of putative anti- HIV/AIDS, photochemical and their derivatives, (reverse pharmacology, determine pan assay, interferences compounds, microbial enzyme metabolites relationship and their mechanisms to treat virial diseases.
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