LAY SUMMARY Most research on military family health has involved talking to spouses, but what do military personnel think? Personnel may identify different issues that have not had the attention of research or armed forces. This study used the “Any other comments?” question in a military family survey to get their thoughts. Australian Defence Force regular and reserve personnel who were in the army, navy, or air force completed the survey. There were 264 personnel who talked about families, and key issues and views were identified from their responses. These included the challenge of living away from families for service reasons and a feeling of “talk, not action” on work and family balance. Responses revealed that non-family-friendly practices affected the health of families. They also caused personnel to leave regular service or the military altogether. Armed forces should work to match practices with policies. This study also shows how open-ended-comment questions in surveys are useful for research and give military personnel a chance to have their say.
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