Previous articleNext article No AccessTime Spent in Learning: Implications from ResearchJanet H. Caldwell, William G. Huitt, and Anna O. GraeberJanet H. Caldwell Search for more articles by this author , William G. Huitt Search for more articles by this author , and Anna O. Graeber Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by The Elementary School Journal Volume 82, Number 5May, 1982Special Issue: Students in Classrooms Article DOI Views: 22Total views on this site Citations: 28Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1982 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Karrie E. Godwin, Howard Seltman, Ma Almeda, Mandi Davis Skerbetz, Shimin Kai, Ryan S. Baker, Anna V. Fisher The elusive relationship between time on-task and learning: not simply an issue of measurement, Educational Psychology 41, no.44 (Mar 2021): 502–519. Garzia, Giuseppina Rita Mangione, Leonarda Longo, Maria Chiara Pettenati Spaced learning and innovative teaching: school time, pedagogy of attention and learning awareness, Research on Education and Media 8, no.11 (Jul 2016): 22–37. Usart, Margarida Romero Time Factor Assessment in Game-Based Learning, (Jan 2015): 1809–1829. R. Ottmar, Lauren E. Decker, Claire E. Cameron, Timothy W. Curby, Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman Classroom instructional quality, exposure to mathematics instruction and mathematics achievement in fifth grade, Learning Environments Research 17, no.22 (Oct 2013): 243–262. N. Elliott, Andrew T. Roach, Alexander Kurz Evaluating and Advancing the Effective Teaching of Special Educators With a Dynamic Instructional Practices Portfolio, Assessment for Effective Intervention 39, no.22 (Mar 2014): 83–98.áš Janík, Karolína Pešková Školní vzdělávání: od podmínek k výsledkům, (Jan 2014). Šebestová Příležitosti k rozvíjení řečových dovedností ve výuce anglického jazyka: videostudie, (Jan 2014). Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Ryan S. J. D. Baker, Lisa Rossi Student Off-Task Behavior in Computer-Based Learning in the Philippines: Comparison to Prior Research in the USA, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 115, no.1010 (Oct 2013): 1–27. Romero, Mireia Usart Time Factor in the Curriculum Integration of Game-Based Learning, (Jan 2013): 248–266. A. Bragg The effect of mathematical games on on-task behaviours in the primary classroom, Mathematics Education Research Journal 24, no.44 (Aug 2012): 385–401. Gettinger, Martha J. 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Forness School Learning, Time and Learning Disabilities: The Disassociated Learner, Journal of Learning Disabilities 19, no.33 (Aug 2016): 130–138. Gettinger Individual differences in time needed for learning: A review of literature, Educational Psychologist 19, no.11 (Oct 2009): 15–29. Gettinger Achievement as a Function of Time Spent in Learning and Time Needed for Learning, American Educational Research Journal 21, no.33 (Jun 2016): 617–628. William H. Schmidt , and Margret Buchmann Six Teachers' Beliefs and Attitudes and Their Curricular Time Allocations, The Elementary School Journal 84, no.22 (Oct 2015): 162–171. Romero, Christophe Gentil Characterizing Online Learners’ Time Regulation, (): 91–110. Usart, Margarida Romero Time Factor Assessment in Game-Based Learning, (): 62–81. Romero, Christophe Gentil Characterizing Online Learners' Time Regulation, (): 1468–1483.
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