An employee�s reputation plays an important role in their experiences in the workplace. Indeed, it can shape treatment by their supervisors and coworkers (Johnson, Erez, Kiker, & Motowildo, 2002; Liu, Ferris, Zinko, Perrew�, Weitz, & Xu, 2007) and open doors for employment and advancement opportunities (Rosen, Cochran, & Muser, 1990; Zinko, Ferris, Humphrey, Meyer, & Amie, 2012). Although the general landscape of this literature has been established � including the definition of reputation and its basic nomological network � many questions remain. The purpose of this symposium is to explore various directions for future research on employee reputation. The four papers that comprise the symposium ask very different but fruitful questions about the nature of reputation, its operationalization, and its measurement. First, does the traditional conceptualization of employee (individual-level) reputation operate similarly at different levels (e.g., group and organizational)? Second, what are the implications of a negative reputation, and can they be beneficial? Third, are there differences in reputation ratings by source (e.g., self vs. other)? Lastly, can reputation be assessed more specifically (e.g., a reputation for being lazy or kind) and as a result of specific actions of employees (e.g., work behaviors or non-work behaviors)? The Role of Reputation in the Organizational Sciences: A Multi-level Review and Construct Assessment Presenter: Gerald R. Ferris; Florida State U. Presenter: B. Parker Ellen III; Florida State U. Presenter: John Nolan Harris; Florida State U. Presenter: Arthur Martinez; Illinois State U. A Means to an End: The Positive Side of a Negative Reputation Presenter: Robert Zinko; U. of Newcastle, Australia Presenter: Angela Hall; Michigan State U. Presenter: Nathan Elmore; U. of Newcastle, Australia The Effect of Introversion on the Relationship Between Self- and Other-reports of Reputation Presenter: Mary Dana Laird; The U. of Tulsa Presenter: James J. Zboja; The U. of Tulsa Workplace Reputation of Volunteers Presenter: Jessica Rodell; U. of Georgia Presenter: John Lynch; U. of Georgia
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