This paper describes the newly developed quartz transducer ultrasonic cleaners (QTCs) operating at frequencies of 1 MHz to 3 MHz, designed to physically remove particles, including a few nano-sized particles, without causing damage to wiring patterns. The paper also discusses the potential of QTC by conducting experiments to remove submicron polystyrene latex (PSL) particles using QTC.In recent years, with the refinement and increased integration of semiconductors, there is a growing need to remove nanometer-sized particles. Conventional spray-type ultrasonic cleaners have the disadvantage of easily disrupting wiring patterns due to fluctuating sound pressure impacting the substrate surface. the QTCs were developed with the consistent sound pressure fluctuation. The QTC transmits ultrasonic waves from an ultrasonic oscillator through an elliptical quartz column and then impacts the particles on the wafer surface through the pure water between the QTC and the wafer surface. Therefore, the variation of sound pressure on the wafer surface is small. We measured the sound pressure emitted by the QTCs and confirmed that its fluctuation is significantly smaller than that of conventional spray-type ultrasonic cleaners, which exhibit large and random fluctuations in sound pressure.Subsequently, PLS particles ranging from 100 nm to 1 µm were coated onto the surface of silicon wafers with oxide film. These particles were then removed using QTCs operating at frequencies of 1, 2, and 3 MHz to elucidate the physical particle removal mechanism. The experimental results showed that the particle removal rates (PREs) tended to decrease as the particle size decreased. Regarding frequency dependence, the PREs increase with higher frequencies and also with higher amplitudes of the QTC. The removal of PSL particles in spray-type ultrasonic cleaning has been confirmed using drag force analysis. It has been observed that smaller PSL particles result in lower drag forces, leading to a decrease in the PRE. The same trend is observed in the present experiment. However, when the relationship between drag forces and PREs was confirmed using QTCs, the variations of PRE became significantly smaller as the frequency of QTCs increased. From this result, it was confirmed that the cleaning method developed this time with QTCs is easy to control with less turnover using a high frequency in the megahertz band.
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