This work is a continuation of the publication of separate parts of the Systematic French-Russian Dictionary of Religious Vocabulary. This is part of a large section on "Characters of the Christian Religion", which also includes a subsection on "God", which has not yet been published. The material of this publication is divided into chapters, which unite the vocabulary devoted to certain aspects of the topic. As in previous cases, not only individual lexemes are presented, but also the usual phrases accepted in the religious language, clichés, statements characteristic of Orthodoxy and Catholicism and reflecting a special view of the world order. Speaking about the purely linguistic side, one must keep in mind that the Russian religious usage is characterized by the use of more archaic lexemes than the French one. Therefore, we considered it possible to include, along with the usual translation into Russian, also especially original Russian equivalents of Orthodox authors, Church Slavonicisms, if they occur in the texts of the XX-XXI centuries. In this case, such translations are marked church-arch.As in previous publications, expressions in quotation marks not only illustrate the use of a single word, but also contain, as a rule, a new unit or reveal the content of a concept related to the section. Usually they are made up of elements (both individual lexemes and phrases) appearing in French and Russian sources, but are not direct quotations. This work was submitted for review to a candidate of theology, a specialist in comparative theology, rector of the St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York, Fr. Igor (Vyzhanov), whom I thank for thoughtful reading and help. At the same time, the work on the topic (as in previous cases) is far from being completed by the publication of this story, and all comments, both conceptual and purely linguistic, please send to my email address.
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