Ross D. Farhadieh, Neil W. Bulstrode, Sabrina Cugno, eds. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Approaches and Techniques . Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. ISBN-10: 1118655427, ISBN-13: 978-1118655429. $399.95. ![Graphic][1] Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Approaches and Techniques is a single-volume comprehensive plastic surgery textbook that deftly navigates that delicate balance between simply summarizing the vast components of plastic surgery or burdening the reader with volumes of extensive detail. The book's 79 chapters are divided into nine sections covering the core topics of plastic surgery: “Basic Science and Principles,” “Integument,” “Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Congenital Disorders,” “Head and Neck Reconstruction,” “Breast,” “Trunk and Lower Limb,” “Upper Limb,” and “Aesthetic Surgery” (the ninth and final section is entitled “Military, Simulation Training, and Exams”). Each chapter follows a similar outline: relevant anatomy, classification, surgical options, case examples, and complications. The editors have assembled over 130 international authors, many of whom are recognized authorities in their subspecialty, to provide a truly global perspective of the field of plastic surgery. The book is true to its subtitle: Approaches and … Corresponding Author: Dr Keith E. Brandt, Washington University School of Medicine, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, CB 8238, 660 S. Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA. E-mail: brandtk{at} [1]: /embed/inline-graphic-1.gif
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