Turkish Abstract: Uzun bir sureden beri meclis acildigi zaman ceza surelerinden indirim yapilmasini ongoren bir kanun teklifinin, baska bir ifadeyle bir “af” teklifinin meclise sunulacagi konusulmaktaydi. Nitekim teklifi sunacak olan parti konumundaki MHP baskan yardimcilari ve sozculeri de bu yonde aciklamalar yapmaktaydi. Soz konusu teklif, yedi maddelik bir icerik ve “Bazi Suclarla Ilgili Ceza Surelerinden Sartli Indirim Ile Tutuklu ve Hukumlulerin Saliverilmesine Dair Kanun Teklifi” ismiyle beklenildigi gibi MHP tarafindan 24 Eylul 2018 tarihinde TBMM Baskanligi’na sunuldu. Teklif, sunulmasindan once de tam olarak nasil bir icerige sahip olacagi ve hangi suclari kapsamina alacagi gibi bircok konuda ceza hukukculari arasinda buyuk bir endiseyle beklenmekle beraber, sunulduktan sonra daha da buyuk bir endise yaratmis ve ozellikle kapsam ve icerigine iliskin ciddi elestirilerle karsilasmistir. Mevcut toplumsal ihtiyaclar bu sekilde bir duzenlemeye gidilmesini gerektirmekte midir? Teklifin sunulmasi toplumsal ihtiyaclara mi yoksa siyasi sebeplere mi dayanmaktadir, amaci nedir? Esas olarak ceza surelerinde indirim yapilmasini ongoren Teklif, af niteliginde kabul edilebilir mi? Hangi suclar kapsam altina dahil edilmistir, bunun icin herhangi somut bir kriter belirlenmis midir? Teklifin yasalasmasi icin hangi sartlarin gerceklesmesi gerekir? Yasalasmasi ihtimalinde nasil sonuclar dogacaktir? Konunun Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne anayasaya aykirilik iddiasiyla tasinmasi mumkun mudur? Mahkeme, soz konusu duzenlemeyi iptal edebilir mi? Goruldugu gibi bircok noktada ciddi sorular ortaya cikmaktadir. Bu yazimda ozellikle belirtilen hususlari goz onunde bulundurarak Teklif’in ceza ve ceza muhakemesi hukuku normlariyla olan iliskisi ile bu normlara uygunluguna iliskin tespit ve aciklamalarda bulunarak hukuka uygunluk degerlendirmesinde bulunacagim. English Abstract: For a long time, when the parliament was opened, it was talked that a law proposal, in other words, an amnesty proposal, which required a reduction in penalties, would be submitted to the parliament. As a matter of fact, MHP vice presidents and spokespersons, who are the party that will present the proposal, were making statements in this direction. The said proposal was submitted to the Presidency of the TGNA by the MHP on September 24, 2018, as expected, with a content of seven articles and the name for the Release of Prisoners and Convicts with Conditional Reduction from Penalties Related to Certain Crimes. Although the proposal was anticipated with great concern among criminal lawyers on many issues, such as exactly what content it would contain and what crimes it would cover before its submission, it created even greater concern after its submission and was met with serious criticism, especially regarding its scope and content. Do current social needs require such a regulation? Is the submission of the proposal based on social or political reasons, what is its purpose? Could the proposal, which mainly provides for a reduction in penalty periods, be accepted as an amnesty? Which crimes are covered, have any concrete criteria been set for this? What conditions must be met for the proposal to become law? What kind of consequences will occur in the possibility of enacting law? Is it possible to bring the issue to the Constitutional Court with the allegation of unconstitutionality? Can the court cancel the regulation in question? As can be seen, serious questions arise at many points. In this article, I will make determinations and explanations regarding the relation of the Proposal with the norms of criminal and criminal procedure law and its compliance with these norms, taking into account the matters specified in particular in this article.
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