This study investigates the particle dispersion characteristics in the turbulent wake of a simplified vehicle model (Ahmed body) for two values of the rear slant angle ϕ (25° and 40°) to study the effect of flow separation. In the experiments (Reynolds number Rel=1.90 ×105), smoke particles were released from a source and visualized with a laser sheet. Concentration fields were analyzed to calculate the vertical (Sy) and lateral (Sz) smoke spread. The findings indicate that the flow topology and concentration fields in the wake are highly dependent on ϕ. In the ϕ=40° case, separation on the rear slant disrupts the trailing vortices originating on the rear slant edges and significantly alters the wake topology. The growth of vertical smoke spread saturates after the recirculation region. The uniform mixing and absence of trailing vortices concentrate the smoke particles in the model midplane. In the ϕ=25° case, the signatures of trailing vortices were observed in the concentration fields behind the model. The vertical smoke spread is less, and the lateral smoke spread is more compared to the ϕ=40° case. The growth of the smoke spread (Sy, Sz) driven by the trailing vortices persists for a long distance, even after the recirculation region. The disruption of trailing vortices brought about by the flow separation appears to be an important effect driving the vertical smoke spread in the wake. The connection between the turbulent velocity structures and concentration structures will need to be explored with combined velocity and concentration measurements in the wake.
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