We consider a two-dimensional strongly localized system defined in a half-space and whose transfer integral in the edge can be different than in the bulk. We predict an unbinding transition, as the edge transfer integral is varied, from a phase where conduction paths are distributed across the bulk to a bound phase where propagation is mainly along the edge. At criticality the logarithm of the conductance follows the $F_1$ Tracy-Widom distribution. We verify numerically these predictions for both the Anderson and the Nguyen, Spivak and Shklovskii models. We also check that for a half-space, i.e., when the edge transfer integral is equal to the bulk transfer integral, the distribution of the conductance is the $F_4$ Tracy-Widom distribution. These findings are strong indications that random signs directed polymer models and their quantum extensions belong to the Kardar-Parisi- Zhang universality class. We have analyzed finite-size corrections at criticality and for a half-plane.
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