The intensities of the monatomic and monoxide secondary ions of rare earth elements (REEs) obtained by bombardment with a primary beam of O − ions have been measured for silicate glasses containing all fourteen REEs. Significant variations in secondary-ion yield are found among the REEs and these must be taken into account in quantitative SIMS analysis. The LTE model is not very effective in predicting REE ion yields and is handicapped by the lack of partition function data. The monoxide/atomic secondary-ion intensity ratios of REEs are unusually high and vary widely, the inter-element variation in the silicate glass matrix showing a quite close correlation with oxide bond energy. Measurements were also made on other samples including pure REEs, pure REE oxides and REE-aluminium alloys. Oxides give higher oxide/element ratios in the secondary-ion spectrum than either the metallic samples or the silicate glasses, the difference being greatest for the REEs with the greatest oxide bond energy.
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