The Merdeka Curriculum, the national curriculum of Indonesia has been implemented for 2 years. Qualitative phenomenological research was conducted to explore teachers' knowledge of the Merdeka Curriculum, its implementation, and the challenges faced and strategies to overcome them. The number of informants was 9, consisting of 3 respondents each from the Independently Sharing (IS), Independently Changing (IC), and Independently Learning (IL) schools selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, observations, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with open-ended questions related to teachers' knowledge, implementation, challenges and strategies for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum. Observations were made on the implementation of learning, while documentation was on teaching modules and assessment instruments. The study found that teachers were aware of the changes in the Merdeka Curriculum from the previous curriculum. Teachers from IS schools have been able to design independent learning tools, implement project-based learning, differentiate, integrate with the Pancasila Student Profile Project (P5), and conduct assessments in various forms. However, teachers from IC and IL schools are still adopting teaching modules from the government. Besides, teachers from IL schools have not been able to carry out diagnostic assessments. Challenges in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum include organizing materials, diverse initial abilities of students, many teacher assignments outside of teaching hours, and lack of facilities and infrastructure. Strategies to overcome these challenges include collaborating available sources with information from the internet, providing matriculation for students with low abilities, providing structured assignments, and scheduling facilities and infrastructure utilization.
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