The electrical power of power plants based on gas turbines (GT) decreases with an increase in air temperature and, as a result, a decrease in its mass flow at the compressor inlet. This makes it relevant to develop methods for increasing air density by lowering its temperature when wor¬king in hot arid regions and regions with a tropical humid climate. To cool the air, it is proposed to use absorption chillers (LBAC). It is shown that for air cooling in a dry hot climate, it is sufficient to use LBAC with single-stage absorption. For a humid tropical climate, where deeper air cooling is required with a simultaneous decrease in its moisture content, it is proposed to use ABCM with two-stage absorption, which are capable of producing cold at negative temperatures. To do this, it is proposed to introduce an additional evaporation and absorption unit with peri¬pheral equipment into the standard industrial design of the LBAC with single-stage absorption. Comparative energy efficiency of LBAC of standard design and LBAC with two-stage absorption during air cooling at the GT compressor inlet has been evaluated. For such critical facilities for the Russian economy as gas pumping stations using gas turbines, an LBAC unit with two-stage absorption and removal of absorption heat by water-circulating cooling systems based on cooling towers, or using air coolers (drycoolers) with the ability to turn off an additional evaporation unit if necessary, is proposed. and absorption.
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