Flip flop is a fundamental electrical design component. Most electrical designs incorporate memory and their corresponding designs. The consumer electronics or end users need mobility and extended battery backup to enhance design performance. The focus on any parameter in the system is to maximize the performance of the design. Here the task is to reduce the energy use of flip flop. Due to the increased frequency clock delivered to the networks within the design, the edge or level triggered by a flip flop will contribute to power consumption. Due to the short circuit power consumption between ground and Vdd, the static design of the flip flop will increase power consumption. The flip flop is dynamically designed and implemented, leading to higher leakage power. Dynamic clock implementation helps for short-circuit power avoidance. It also provides greater download channel to the ground from output. The clocking system also demands more power. With the TSPC technology and output feedback, the suggested mechanic will increase the performance of the flip flop and establish the Pull-up network. The PMOS that contains the output node X value. The use of an additional NMOS transistor to draw the output value down to the ground, regardless of the input, so that the input runs on the discharge path that improves power, however the pulsed clock which has a smaller width than normal clock as well about 15% high.
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