Cognitive approach through the neural network “NN” paradigm is a critical discipline that will help bring about autonomic computing “AC.” NN-related research, some involving new ways to apply control theory and control laws, can provide insight into how to run complex systems that optimize to their environments. NN is one kind of AC system that can embody human cog-nitive powers and that can adapt, learn, and take over certain functions previously performed by humans. In recent years, artificial neural networks have received a great deal of attention for their ability to perform nonlinear mappings. In trajectory control of robotic devices, neural networks provide a fast method of autonomously learning the relation between a set of output states and a set of input states. In this article, we apply the cognitive approach to solve position controller problems using an inverse geometrical model. In order to control a robot manipulator in the accomplishment of a task, trajectory planning is required in advance or in real time. The desired trajectory is usually described in Cartesian coordinates and needs to be converted to joint space for the purpose of analyzing and controlling the system behavior. In this article, we use a memory neural network (MNN) to solve the optimization problem concerning the inverse of the direct geometrical model of the redundant manipulator when subject to constraints. Our approach offers substantially better accuracy, avoids the computation of the inverse or pseudo-inverse Jacobian matrix, and does not produce problems such as singularity, redundancy, and considerably increased computational complexity.
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