A hemispheric asymmetry for the processing of global versus local visual information is known. In this study, we investigated the existence of a hemispheric asymmetry for the visual processing of low versus high spatial frequency gratings. The event-related potentials were recorded in a group of healthy right-handed volunteers from 30 scalp sites. Six types of stimuli (1.5, 3 and 6 c/deg gratings) were randomly flashed 180 times in the left and right upper hemifields. The stimulus duration was 80 ms, and the interstimulus interval (ISI) ranged between 850 and 1000 ms. Participants paid attention and responded to targets based on their spatial frequency and location. The C1 and P1 visual responses, as well as a later selection negativity and a P300 component of event-related potentials (ERPs), were quantified and subjected to repeated-measure analyses of variance (ANOVAs). Overall, the performance was faster for the right visual field (RVF), thus suggesting a left hemispheric advantage for the attentional selection of local elements. Similarly, the analysis of the mean area amplitude of the C1 (60–110 ms) sensory response showed a stronger attentional effect (F+L+ vs. F−L+) at the left occipital areas, thus suggesting the sensory nature of this hemispheric asymmetry.
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