
In the period of global information processes, the problem of effective interpersonal communication, which permeates all spheres of human life and is an integral part of the professional activity of a social worker, is especially urgent. In this regard, there is a need to form in students – future social workers, a culture of professional communication and speech competence. The effectiveness of which depends on the acquisition of verbal and non-verbal communication means by the social worker, which will make it possible to influence client’s emotional state of his individual and psychological characteristics and take them into account in the process of interpersonal interaction.The article analyzes the scientific literature on the problem, describes the definition of key concepts. The author states that communication begins with the formulation of the information message that must be conveyed to the interlocutor. Information is transmitted through sign systems that are used in the communication process: verbal – through speech, non-verbal – through sign systems.Non-verbal means play an important role in reaching a mutual understanding between people and are aimed at enhancing the speech expression, disclosing the content of the topic. The ability of the social worker to understand facial expressions, the client’s view promotes effective communication. The practical experience of working with students of the 3rd year of specialty “Social work” is analyzed in the article. There was developed the course “Technologies of communication and speech activity of social workers”. It was stated that the process of forming professional readiness for business communication, possession of verbal and non-verbal means of expression would be effective under the following conditions: ensuring cross-curricular communication in the learning process; the use of personality-oriented, competency and problematic approaches in student learning; application of modern interactive technologies in the learning process; professional orientation of tasks and exercises; positive motivation for learning.

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