Shock wave propagation in gas--liquid foams was studied in [I-5]. It was established in [I, 2] that plane shock waves in foams have developed relaxation zones with pressure rise times up to several milliseconds. Then with increase in intensity the parameters of incident, and especially reflected, waves deviate from the equilibrium parameters in a foam, calculated in the manner of [6], from the volume concentration of the condensed phase (c-phase). To describe the process of shock wave reflection in gas--liquid systems [4] proposed a model approach based on description of shock compression of a two-phase medium by a polytropy index K = I + (y -I)(I -c), where y is the adiabatic index of the Poisson gas phase, and c is the volume concentration of the c-phase. Despite this approach's satisfactory description of the experiments of [I, 2] on shock wave reflection in foam, use of K to explain observed shock wave attenuation in foam leads to severe divergence between experimental and calculated data [7, 8]. One of the causes of disagreement of calculated and experimental shock wave parameters in foam is apparently the presence of developed relaxation zones, comparable in size of the dimensions of the shock tube operating channels used in [I, 2, 5] for their generation. The present studies were performed in shock tubes which insured achievement of equilibrium parameter values behind the incident shock wave front. In addition to performing the experiments, the effect of volume fraction of the c-phase was analyzed, as was the validity of the assumptions of gas idealness and incompressibility of the c-phase normally employed in calculating incident and reflected shock wave parameters.
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