Using a modified Michelson-Sivashinsky evolution equation (EE) as the starting point, we study the nonlinear dynamics of a premixed gaseous flame when a significant gas flow velocity u ∥ exists parallel to the front. The chosen u ∥ noticeably exceed the critical value u c corresponding to the transition between absolute and convective instability, whereby an external forcing is needed to trigger some wrinkling in the long-time limit. The selected excitation is spatially localized and evolves randomly in time according to an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process with adjustable intensity and correlation time. Once suitably periodized spatially, the EE is solved for the front shape by a Fourier pseudo-spectral numerical method. Integrations over wide spatial domains and long times reveal the following. (1) The instantaneous spatial development of the Landau–Darrieus (LD) instability ultimately comprises three successive regions: (I) a linear zone, adjacent to and downstream of the exciting source, where the instability ultimately amplifies preferentially some wavelengths from the random forcing; (II) a transition zone, downstream of zone I, where nonlinearity acquires full importance; and (III) a fully nonlinear zone, where crest mergers make the cell amplitudes and wavelengths increase with downstream distance, till the end of the integration domain is reached. (2) On time average, only zone (I) depends significantly on the noise characteristics whereas zone (III) widens self-similarity: flame-brush thickness, wrinkle wavelengths, PDF of front fluctuations about the mean are all governed by a single length scale Λ(x) that increases linearly with downstream distance (x). The mean degree of wrinkling, flame slope and cell aspect ratio are uniform there. Changing u ∥ yields dΛ∼u c/u ∥. This self-similarity may be attributed to the scale invariance of the LD instability and of the Huygens nonlinearity. Strongly resembling the temporal (u ∥=0) development of wrinkles despite the spatial nonlocality of the LD instability and the absence of any infrared cut-off frequency in the exciting spectrum, the above findings raise open questions as to the consequences of a spatially distributed forcing when u ∥≫u c.
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