Abstract. Our paper is devoted to the study of certain diophantineequations on the ring of polynomials over a finite field, which are inti-mately related to algebraic formal power series which have partial quo-tients of unbounded degree in their continued fraction expansion. Inparticular it is shown that there are Pisot formal power series with de-gree greater than 2, having infinitely many large partial quotients in theirsimple continued fraction expansions. This generalizes an earlier resultof Baum and Sweet for algebraic formal power series. 1. IntroductionLet F q be a finite field of characteristic p with q elements. We considerF q [X], F q (X) and F q ((X −1 )) as analogues of Z, Q and R respectively. Ifw =P +∞n=n 0 a n X −n is an element of F q ((X −1 )) with a n 0 6= 0, we introducethe absolute value |w| = q −n 0 and |0| = 0. Diophantine approximation inthe function field case was initiated by K. Mahler [10]. In the case of realnumbers, it is well known that Liouville’s theorem was the beginning of along path, with the works of Thue, Siegel, Dyson and others, leading of thecelebrated Roth’s theorem which was established in 1955. This improvementcan be transposed in fields of power series if the base field has characteristiczero, as shown by Uchiyama in 1960. But this is not the case in positivecharacteristicand consequentlythe studyofrationalapproximationtoalgebraicelements becomes somewhat more complex.Many examples can be studied. A special case is the one where the algebraicelement w satisfies an equation of the form w =
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