In the real number field, there are several unique series expansions for each A ∈ (0, 1). Of interest are the Sylvester and alternating Sylvester series expansions since both expansions are finite if and only if A is rational. We obtain upper bounds on the length of rational A ∈ (0, 1) and lower bound on the length of certain classes of rational numbers. In the power series fields, let denote the finite field of q elements, let p(x) be an irreducible polynomial in , and let , respectively, be the completions of with respect to the p(x)-adic valuation, respectively, the infinite valuation. It is known that each , respectively, , subject to a technical assumption, has a unique Oppenheim series expansion, and such expansion is finite if and only if . Upper bounds on the length of these series expansions for are also derived.
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