This work investigates the possibility of using thorium-based fuels as an alternative fuel for advanced power reactor APR-1400. MCNPX code version 2.7 with cross-section library ENDF.VII has been used to design an APR-1400 fuel assembly. This code has been used to study the neutronic performance of the proposed thorium-based Fuel types (0.944Th, U)O2, (0.955Th, 233U)O2, (0.934Th, rgPu)O2. The fuel burn-up parameters such as infinity multiplication factor (kinf), initial heavy metals concentrations, Minor actinides concentration and fission products concentration have been analyzed during 1500 effective full power days (FPDSs) for thorium-based Fuel types and compared with the common fuel. The analysis of the horizontal thermal power and neutron flux distribution provides valuable insights into the behavior and performance of the suggested Fuel types in the APR-1400 assembly. The analysis of the neutronic results ensures the viability of using the proposed thorium-based fuel types as an alternative fuel to UO2 because they achieved acceptable safety parameter values and provided a good power distribution through the fuel assembly compared to UO2.
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