The standard way of solving the polynomial eigenvalue problem associated with a matrix polynomial is to embed the matrix coefficients of the polynomial into a matrix pencil, transforming the problem into an equivalent generalized eigenvalue problem. Such pencils are known as linearizations. Many of the families of linearizations for matrix polynomials available in the literature are extensions of the so-called family of Fiedler pencils. These families are known as generalized Fiedler pencils, Fiedler pencils with repetition, and generalized Fiedler pencils with repetition—or Fiedler-like pencils for simplicity. The goal of this work is to unify the Fiedler-like pencils approach with the more recent one based on strong block minimal bases pencils introduced in F.M. Dopico et al. (2017) [17]. To this end, we introduce a family of pencils that we have named extended block Kronecker pencils, whose members are, under some generic nonsingularity conditions, strong block minimal bases pencils, and show that, with the exception of the non-proper generalized Fiedler pencils, all Fiedler-like pencils belong to this family modulo permutations. As a consequence of this result, we obtain a much simpler theory for Fiedler-like pencils than the one available so far. Moreover, we expect this simplification to allow for further developments in the theory of Fiedler-like pencils such as global or local backward error analyses and eigenvalue conditioning analyses of polynomial eigenvalue problems solved via Fiedler-like linearizations.
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