ABSTRACT Green gram is responsive to irrigation and boron application. The field experiments comprising of three irrigation frequencies (I1 = branching, I2 = branching + flower initiation, and I3 = branching + flower initiation + pod development) and four borax levels (B1 = soil applied at 10 kg/ha, B2 = 0.2% foliar spray at branching, B3 = 0.2% foliar spray at flowering, and B4 = 0.2% foliar spray at branching + flowering) were conducted in a humid sub-tropical climate of India during two consecutive seasons of 2018 and 2019 to optimize irrigation and boron (B) requirements for the plant. Results showed that maximum growth and yield constituents were found in I3 and B4. Mean maximum seed and stover yield and highest accumulation of N, P and K in plant and B in seed and stover were noticed in I3B4. Maximum water use efficiency (9.10 kg/ha-mm) was displayed in I1B4. Maximum nodulation was found in I2B1 and I3B1. The highest gross return, net return and BCR were obtained in I3B4. Thus, irrigation at branching, flower initiation and pod development stage coupled with 0.2% B foliar application at branching and flowering stage was observed the as best treatment combination for deriving maximum growth, yield, yield constituents, nutrients uptake and economics of summer green gram.
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