Events of recent years, namely explosions at arsenals in Balakleya, Kharkiv region, Kalinovka, Vinnytsia region, field depots near Svatove, Luhansk region, p. Maloyanisol, Donetsk region, village StarayaMykolayivka, Donetsk region, point to an imperfect system of ammunition storage organization, including an imperfect method of determining safe distances between ammunition storage places, which leads to significant material and human losses. Therefore, the survivability of missile and ammunition storage facilities requires, first of all, a review of issues related to the safe distances between missile and ammunition storage sites, and new ways of protecting ammunition storage sites. The main task of arsenals, bases and warehouses for missiles and ammunition of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is to ensure reliable storage and a high level of technical condition of stored missiles and ammunition, as well as their constant readiness to perform work at any time of day and under any circumstances. Theactivitiesofarsenals, bases and warehouses are always associated with increased risk, as these facilities are designed to store ammunition containing gunpowder and explosives. Closely related to the concept of security is the concept of survivability of arsenals, bases and ammunition depots – that is, their ability to perform their functions in a volume not lower than a given level for a certainperiodoftimeinemergencyconditions. The allowable risk depends on many factors, some of which are objective, such as the amount of explosive, its type, packaging of explosives and devices, their placement in storage or on sites (platforms, under canopies), distance, nature of the terrain and its contours etc. Other factors are more subjective – how receptive are the expected consequences of an explosive event or accident? For example, how many deaths, how many serious injuries, how many buildings were destroyed or damaged, how many destroyed munitions and other losses are allowed? Therefore, it is clearly important to know well the nature of the main danger, namely an explosion or fire, as well as the expected development of the accident: instantaneous, progressive, sudden, and so on. Standards have been developed for decades by explosives safety experts. Safe distances have been developed on the basis of analyzes and tests of a large number of explosives and data obtained from past emergencies. Potential explosion sites are sites such as buildings, stacks and vehicles (trucks, trailers and railway cars) that pose an obvious risk to personnel and property of arsenals, bases and warehouses. Such sites are located at carefully calculated distances from each other and from other buildings and institutions to ensure minimal risk to life and property (including ammunition). Keywords: arsenal, base, composition, gunpowder, explosive, security, ammunition.
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