The dynamical behaviour of traveling waves in a class of two-dimensional system whose amplitude obeys the two-dimensional complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation is deeply studied as a function of parameters near a subcritical bifurcation. Then, the bifurcation method is used to predict the nature of solutions of the considered wave equation. It is applied to reduce the two-dimensional complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation to the quintic nonlinear ordinary differential equation, easily solvable. Under some constraints of parameters, equilibrium points are obtained and phase portraits have been plotted. The particularity of these phase portraits obtained for new ordinary differential equation is the existence of homoclinic or heteroclinic orbits depending on the nature of equilibrium points. For some parameters, one has the orbits starting to one fixed point and passing through another fixed point before returning to the same fixed point, predicting then the existence of the combination of a pair of pulse-dark soliton. One has also for other parameters, the orbits linking three equilibrium points predicting the existence of a dark soliton pair. These results are very important and can predict the same solutions in many domains, particularly in wave phenomena, mechanical systems, or laterally heated fluid layers. Moreover, depending on the values of parameter systems, the analytical expression of the solutions predicted is found. The three-dimensional graphs of these solutions are plotted as well as their 2D plots in the propagation direction.
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