The procedures in our laryngectomy cases are classified into two groups, A and B: A-1) preoperative radiation. 2) I or T like skin incision, 3) preservation of hyoid bone, 4) closure of pharyngeal wall with continuous sutures, 5) use of a feeling tube through nose, 6) postoperative radiation, B-1) U like skin incision (not irradiated preoperatively), 2) neck dissection, 3) resection of hyoid bone, 4) closure of pharyngeal wall with interrupted sutures, 5) oral nourishment on the third day after operation, 6) postoperative radiation.Occurrence of the fistula-formations in our laryngectomy cases is 30% in A group and nothing in B.If antibiotics are thorughly administered against secondary bacterial infection, we mention the other causative factors as follows: preoperative radiation, conditions of sutured would in pharyngeal wall, preservation of hyoid bone, nourishment by tube, formation of dead space, method of skin incision and closure of pharyngeal opening and procedure to crico-pharyngeal muscle. Refering to literatures, each factor in analyzed about our laryngectomized cases.To attain the successful postoperative course, following methods are recomended: U like skin incision, resection of hyoid bone, reduction of tension on the upper lateral portions of pharyngeal opening. The pharyngeal opening is closed with interrupted inversionssutures. Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle is sutured but in patient with convulsive constitution, cricopharyngeal muscles are extended or cut off operatively External of the neck muscles should be redically removed.If pharyngeal mucous membrane is too small to close it primarily, after detachment of posterior wall of pharyngeal mucous membrane from the prevertebral fascia, submandibular glands and external of the neck muscles are used.In avoiding formation of the dead space, mattress suture and pressure dressing are recommended. In neck dissection cases, drain is introduced into the bilateral mandibular angle not deeply and removed the next day.Pressure dressing is not changed for three days after operation. The patients are not nourished by the feeding tube. control urinary volume and its specific gravity and the patients are nourished solenly parenterally (glucose, aminoacid, vitamine preparations and sometimes blood transfusion). On the third day, nourishment is given orally. Problem of feeding posture is of importance and to prevent postoparative pneumonia, early ambulation is recommended. The broad spectrum autibiotics, to which pyogenic cocci have no resistance, are administered for two weeks at least.By the treatment above mentioned, complete primary healings of operative would be accomplished, postoperative radiotherapy is started three weeks after and all tumor dosis is irradiated to the directions of tumor invasion and the probably disseminated site. When operating the patients irradiated preperatively, owing to the volume and direction of irradiation, the time of operation may be decided. But the duration is not yet standardized. We have consideration to the point that the contralateral neck dissection by Seiffert's skin incision is necessary some other time.
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