Relevance. The development of the intelligence of a future officer in the educational environment of a military educational institution of higher education presupposes, among other things, the appropriate organization of the pedagogical process. This is necessary to achieve the desired results of training, education and development of personality traits of a cadet. To achieve the effective construction of the specified pedagogical process, it is necessary: firstly, not to overload the cadet with educational and educational activities, since the process of obtaining education in a military university is already quite intense; secondly, to use the potential of the educational subjects and educational events already built into the pedagogical process in the development of the intelligence of future officers; thirdly, to organically integrate author’s developments (program, courses, conditions) into the pedagogical process in order to solve problems of developing the intelligence of the future officer.
 Materials and methods. In preparing and conducting the study, the methodological principles of a systematic, activity and subjective approach were applied. These approaches in this study perform organizational, epistemological, explanatory-content, structural-logical and prognostic functions. Within the framework of these approaches, various types of analysis and synthesis (systemic and functional, conceptual and structural-component), analogy and comparison, abstraction, hypothetical-deductive method are applied.
 Results of the study. It has been established that the construction of a pedagogical process for the development of the intelligence of a future officer is based on the principles of consistency, complexity, continuity, dynamism, purposefulness, plasticity, algorithm city, cyclicality and is carried out in the following areas: organizational and programmatic; regulatory and legal; subject-communicative; meaningful; emotional and intellectual; valuable; activity-functional. The implementation of these areas involves the optimal combination of traditional and innovative forms of organization of the pedagogical process and the effective application of methods for its implementation, which correspond to the modern development of psychological and pedagogical science. When implementing the pedagogical process, taking into account diagnostic data, it is necessary to optimize and improve it. The design and implementation of the author’s features of the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process will make it possible to purposefully develop the psychological properties of the intelligence of the future officer in the educational environment of a military university.
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