
The article raises the actual problem of the formation of the educational environment of the theological school, which goes beyond the historically established framework of the dogmatic environment and is understood as a dogmatic and creative vector of the formation of the environment, which ensures the development of personality traits of seminary students, which include organizational independence as a manifestation of their activity. The article states that this vector makes it possible to understand spiritual education as an integrated polyfunctional concept, in which quality is ensured by the synthesis of dogmatic and creative vectors of development (according to V. A. Yasvin).Materials and methods. Based on the experience of a qualitative and substantive examination of the educational environment of the Penza Orthodox Theological Seminary, the conditions and opportunities for developing the ability to self-organize, increasing independence and responsibility in the learning process in a higher theological educational organization are revealed. The features of the adaptation of students of the zero and first years of study to the dogmatic and creative educational environment are described. The results of assessing the ability to self-organization of students of theological seminary studying in the field of study 48.03.01 "Theology" (undergraduate level), obtained using the questionnaire E. Yu. Mandrikova, are presented.Results. The article presents the experience of forming the educational environment of the theological school and describes the organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to self-organization at the stage of professional training of theologians. The results obtained indicate that the organizational independence of students is formed with a different view of the personality, which means that it allows building other learning strategies in a reasonable combination of strict rules of the dogmatic environment and elements of the creative environment with the possibility of building an individual development trajectory.Findings. It is concluded that the educational environment of the theological school should be aimed at helping students develop a high coefficient of organizational independence in a balanced combination of dogmatic and creative educational environments.

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