This study examines the effect of paediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms on organSvalues resulting from radioiodine (131I) intake. Using Geant4, we estimated131ISvalues for 30 radiosensitive target tissues due to emission from the thyroid (Target ← Thyroid) in these phantoms. Our results show thatSvalues differ between male and female phantoms of the same age andSvalues also decrease as phantom age increases. The male-to-femaleSvalue ratio typically varies within 10%, with larger differences observed for the esophagus, extra-thoracic regions, muscles, bladder, and sex organs. On average,Svalues for mesh phantoms are approximately 17% higher than those for voxel phantoms, with larger discrepancies for organs remodelled separately in mesh phantoms. The study provides organSvalues for the paediatric population due to131I exposure from the thyroid, based on the reference mesh-type computational phantoms, enhancing organ dose estimation in emergency situations and during radioiodine treatment.
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