The study of fluvial processes deals with the fluid of natural origin through a channel that carries particulate sediments including solid load either in solution, or in suspension and even rolling over the channel bed. Channel bed forms, cross-sectional shapes, channel geometry, etc. have direct interactions among flow, sediment, and the channel boundaries and any untoward reaction through anthropo-geogenic activity to disrupt the riverine ecology can lead to degenerations of channel. The present work has been focused to analyze the impact of anthropo-geographic implications on river habitat change through hydro-geomorphological study. The river Magurmari flowing through the Sub-Himalayan foothills of Darjeeling is of such kind which is degenerating and decaying over time and is losing its vivacity. The main objective of the work is to find out the interrelations of the hydraulic parameters as indicators of level of degeneration in view of their natural setup especially rainfall regime and head water supply. Field works with leveling surveys to draft the cross sections and measurement of hydraulic characteristics have carried out by the authors. Empirical formulae have been calculated to find the results and to analyze their interrelations. Moreover, map works have been done under GIS environment as the allied methodological attempts. Finally, findings on river habitat Survey through rating magnitudes in Likert scale and hydraulic impact study have been done.
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