
Reconstructing the history of ocean oxygenation provides insight into links between ocean anoxia, biogeochemical cycles, and climate. Certain redox-sensitive elements respond to changes in marine oxygen content through phase shifts and concomitant isotopic fractionation, providing new diagnostic proxies of past ocean hypoxia. Here we explore the behavior and inter-dependence of a suite of commonly utilized redox-sensitive trace metals (U, Mo, Fe, and Mn) and the emerging “stable” isotope system of U (238U/235U, or δ238U) in New Zealand fjords. These semi-restricted basins have chemical conditions spanning the complete redox spectrum from fully oxygenated to suboxic to intermittently anoxic/euxinic. In the anoxic water column, U and Mo concentrations decrease, while Fe and Mn concentrations increase. Similarly, signals of past euxinic conditions can be found by U, Mo, Fe, and Mn enrichment in the underlying sediments. The expected U isotopic shift toward a lower δ238U in the anoxic water column due to U(VI)–U(IV) reduction is not observed; instead, water column δ238U profiles are consistent in fjords of all oxygen content, falling within previously reported ranges for open ocean seawater (δ238U=−0.42±0.07‰). Additionally, surface sediment δ238U results show evidence for competing U isotope fractionation processes. One site indicates increased export of 238U from seawater to the underlying sediments (fractionation between aqueous seawater U and particulate sediment U, or ΔU(aq)−U(solid)=−0.25‰), consistent with redox-driven fractionation. Another site suggests potential U(VI) adsorption-driven fractionation, reflecting increased export of 235U from seawater to sediments (ΔU(aq)−U(solid)=0.25‰). We discuss several potential factors that could alter δ238U in waters and sediments beyond redox-driven shifts, including adsorption to organic matter in waters of high primary productivity, reaction rates for competing processes of U adsorption and release, and isotopic constraints of U coming into the system from terrestrial environments. These potential complications should be understood and constrained through observations, experiments, and models before future application of δ238U as a global paleoredox tracer can achieve its full potential.

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