High spin states in neutron-rich 110Ru nucleushave been investigated by measuring high-fold prompt γ-ray coincidenceevents of the spontaneous fission of 252Cf with theGammasphere detector array. The ground-state band and the γ-vibrationalband have been confirmed and extended with spin up to 18 ℏ and13 ℏ, respectively. The other three side bands, two proposed astwo-quasiparticle bands and one proposed as a four-quasiparticle band,have been observed for the first time. The possible configurations forthe quasi-particle bands are discussed. The cranked shell modelcalculations show that 110Ru nucleus may have oblatetriaxial deformation with parameters β2 = -0.30 and γ = 24°,and the band crossing in the yrast band is due to the alignment of apair of h11/2 neutrons.
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