The variation in behaviour during sliding wear of Nimonic 80A against Stellite 6 (counterface) at 630 °C, 690 °C and 750 °C and sliding speeds of 0.314 m s −1, 0.405 m s −1, 0.485 m s −1, 0.654 m s −1 and 0.905 m s −1, was investigated. A ‘block-on-cylinder’ configuration was used such that debris retention was not encouraged. At 0.314 m s −1, mild oxidational wear was observed at all three temperatures, due to transfer and oxidation of Stellite 6-sourced debris to the Nimonic 80A. The wear debris particles generated were compacted and readily sintered together to form wear protective ‘glaze’ layers, eliminating metallic contact between the two wear surfaces. Increasing sliding speed above 0.314 m s −1 progressively changed the preferred debris source from Stellite 6 to Nimonic 80A. Oxide debris generation continued at all other sliding speeds and temperatures, however, debris behaviour was highly dependent on sliding speed/temperature combination. At 630 °C, oxide generation was insufficient to eliminate metallic contact, however, was enough to modify and enhance the wear process (i.e. ‘abrasion-assisted-severe-wear’). On raising temperature to 690 °C or 750 °C, greater oxide generation and residency prevented metallic contact and severe wear. At sliding speeds of 0.405 m s −1 (690 °C and 750 °C) and 0.485 m s −1 (750 °C) the still relatively low mobility and high residency of this largely Nimonic 80A-sourced debris was sufficient to allow limited sintering and ‘glaze’ formation and wear levels remained low. Some Stellite 6-sourced Co also improved debris sinterability, most notably at 0.405 m s −1. However, raising sliding speed to 0.485 m s −1 (690 °C), 0.654 m s −1 or 0.905 m s −1 increased debris mobility and reduced residency. The now completely Nimonic 80A-sourced debris tended not to sinter and form ‘glaze’, and instead enhanced wear. Interestingly, oxide generation was more pronounced and wear was lower at 0.905 m s −1 than at 0.654 m s −1, despite the abrasive action and more hostile sliding conditions. The collected data were used to compose a simple temperature versus sliding speed wear map for Nimonic 80A wear when slid against Stellite 6.
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