The importance of the study subject is explained by the increase in demand on foods and its quality it the world, together with growing obstacles to producing safe and affordable foods and row materials for their production. The EU is a unique case of building effective ready-to-eat food production based on its own agri-production, providing foods both for internal and overseas consumption. Therefore, the European sector is a reliable base of food security and an important source of export income. The article examines the structure of production and export of EU agricultural products. The role of agriculture as the raw material base of the food industry and its role in ensuring the food security of the association is determined. The geographical and commodity structure of the EU exports and imports is analyzed basing on the data provided by the official statistical resources of the EU. It was determined that the key advantage of the structure of the EU agritrade is that imports are represented mostly by raw products of low value and those that are not manufactured in the EU due to climatic restrictions, while exports are formed at the expense of finished products of high quality and value. It was determined that despite the insignificant contribution of agriculture to the Union's GDP, the level of development of this sector of the economy and its efficiency are so high that the status of the leading supplier of food to the world market has been secured for the EU. The agricultural sector is the main supplier of raw materials and intermediate products for the food industry, which has a significant role in the union's exports, and is an important component of the so-called "food chain". It was alsodetermined that a unique feature of the EU internal market is the almost complete coverage of its needs in food products by its own production. Imports make up a small part of domestic consumption, and are formed due to products with a low degree of processing. The successful example of the Netherlands was considered as of the world export leader in the development of a highly efficient agricultural sector, which was formed based on the use of modern technologies in conditions of limited resources.
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