Voltage ripple is introduced to the DC link when a single-phase rectifier operates, which affects the energy balance of both the DC and AC sides. Accurate acquisition and fast, precise tracking of the decoupling capacitor voltage and decoupling inductor current reference values are challenges in the design of active power decoupling controllers. This article employs instantaneous ripple power control, shifting the focus from the accuracy of the decoupling capacitor voltage and decoupling inductor current reference values to the accuracy of the ripple power reference value. A ripple separation-based active power decoupling control strategy is proposed. By designing a time-varying observer, the amplitude feedback signal of the output voltage’s second-harmonic ripple is extracted in real time to generate the ripple power reference, enhancing its accuracy and reliability. The endpoint equivalent modulation method is adopted to track the instantaneous ripple power. Compared with traditional finite control set model predictive control, it achieves better tracking performance at the same control frequency, with a fixed switching frequency. Additionally, measures are proposed to address input current distortion caused by output voltage ripple entering the rectifier’s grid-side current control loop. This avoids the pollution of the input current by the output ripple voltage. Simulations and experimentations are performed to test the proposed control strategy.
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