We investigated the occurrence of organochlorine pollutants (OCs) in the muscle of brown trout and evaluated their potential modulation of parasite infection. The toxicological risk for consumer health was assessed, too. Trout were collected from the Sila National Park (Calabria region, South of Italy). The highest concentrations emerged for the sum of the 6 non-dioxin-like (ndl) indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (Σ6ndl-PCBs), followed by the 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-di(4-chlorophenyl)-ethane (DDT), dioxin-like PCBs, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and dieldrin. Measured on lipid weight (LW), the mean value of Σ6ndl-PCBs amounted to 201.9 ng g-1, that of ΣDDTs (the sum of DDT-related compounds) to 100.2 ng g-1, with the major contribution of the DDT-metabolite p,p'-DDE which was detected in all sample units (97.6 ng g-1 on average). Among dioxin-like congeners, PCB 118 showed the highest mean concentration (21.96 ng g-1 LW) and was detected in all sample units. Regression analysis of intestinal parasites on OC concentration was performed, controlling for two potential confounding factors, namely sex and sexual stage. The results evidenced the existence of interactions between the dual stressors in the host-parasite system in the wild. A negative and statistically significant correlation was estimated, suggesting that OCs may decrease parasite infection degree. Regarding the toxicological risk evaluation, OC concentrations were consistently below the current European Maximum Residue Limits.
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