A Stangate Hill, one mile north of Alconbury Hill and six miles NW. of Huntingdon, when the Great North Road was widened shortly before the 1939 war, a cutting exposed Chalky Boulder Clay resting on Oxford Clay. Lieutenant Edward L. Holt, stationed near by, measured and described the cutting in the early part of 1943. He collected about 236 ammonites, which he submitted to the Sedgwick Museum. They were sent to me by Mr. A. G. Brighton for determination in April 1943, after which a representative collection of about fifty specimens was returned to Lt. Holt, who took them to America. The rest he presented to the Sedgwick Museum. They are well-preserved pyritic casts, and constitute an interesting assemblage of the mariae Zone of the Upper Oxford Clay. After moving to Cambridge in 1947, I collected several times at the cutting, assisted by Prof. W. B. R. King, Mr. A. G. Brighton, Mr. A. E. Gunther and others, and altogether more than 400 ammonites were obtained during 1947-50. The sides and bottom of the cutting still yield ammonites at every visit, but comparison of the new collections with Lt. Holt's shows that few further novelties can be expected. The total number of specimens now collected is 646, belonging to at least twenty species, and it seems desirable that they should be recorded. There are also belemnites (Hibo/ites hastatus), rhynchonellids and a few small gastropods and lamellibranchs. Gryphaea dilatata (J. Sow.) ranges throughout the section, and there is much selenite. Stangate Hill is at the northern edge of a projection of the Boulder Clay plateau, the top of which is here about 155 ft. O.D. The exposures lie between the lOO-f1. and 50-ft. contours as shown on the one-inch Ordnance Survey map (Sheet 134). According to Lt. Holt's measurements, made with a Brunton compass, 23 ft. of beds are exposed, of which 20 ft. is undisturbed Oxford Clay and 3 ft. Boulder Clay. Small pyritised ammonites abound throughout the Oxford Clay and here and there are concentrated at certain levels, but even in
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