AbstractThe photographic properties of single0crystalline AgBr films were studied and compared with those of polycrystalline films. The single-crystalline films were found to have about a two times loiver sensitivity than polycrystalline films. The minimum energy to record an image was estimated to be about 10-5 J/cm2. The strong low intensity failure and solarization observed in vapour-deposited AgBr film are discussed in terms of the rehalogenation of the latent image centres. At optimum exposure and processing conditions the single-crystalline films resolve sub-micrometer details with line widths of 0.3 µm. The very good reproducibility of their preparation, as well as the already achieved limit of the resolving power, as given by the wavelength of light exposure, make single-crystalline AgBr films attractive for practical application in some special cases. For single-crystalline films, epitaxially grown in (001) orientation on LiF substrates, the epitaxial relationship has been identified.