Among the different strategies to synthesize nanoscopic materials reported in the literature, template synthesis is an elegant approach [1–3]. This technique consists of including metallic or organic constituents inside the void spaces of nanoporous host materials. Though there now exists a huge range of hosts, track-etched membranes present a significant advantage because they lead to the production of different kinds of nanotubules and nanowires with monodisperse diameters and lengths. Martin and Hulteen [4–6] have used these membranes as templates to prepare nanofibrils composed of metals, semiconductors, and conducting polymers, most of their work has focused on the chemical synthesis of polypyrrole, polyaniline, and polymethylthiophene. In the present work, the chemical growth of polypyrrole nanofibrils obtained from polycarbonate nanoporous particle track-etched membranes is studied. The morphologies of the obtained microstructures have been carefully analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. A two-probe method has been used to measure the electrical conductivity of template-synthesized polypyrrole microstructures. The nuclear track filter used here as a template was of Makrofol KG foil (polycarbonate from Bayer AG), 60 μm thick, having average pore diameter ∼ 6 μm with pore density 1 × 106 m−2. This was prepared by irradiating the foil with 238U, energy ca. 13.64 MeV/n at 90 ◦C at the UNILAC facility available at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, followed by chemical amplification of the damage trails by etching in 6N NaOH, at 60 ± 2 ◦ C for 35 min. In order to produce see-through pores, optimum etch time and etch conditions were preset. As shown in Fig. 1, the polycarbonate membrane was used as a dividing wall in a two-compartment cell. In the first compartment, an aqueous pyrrole solution (0.5 M) was added and allowed to diffuse through the membrane for 10 min prior to the introduction of the oxidant reagent ferric chloride (0.4 M) in the second compartment. The monomer and the oxidant reagent diffuse toward each other through the pores of the membrane and react to yield the polymer. The polymerization process was continued for 1 hr 30 min. For the morphological characterization of the polypyrrole microstructures by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), specimens were observed by dissolving the polycarbonate matrix in dicholoromethane. The cleaned and dried samples were mounted on the specially designed aluminum stubs with the help of double sided adhesive tape and viewed under a “Jeol, JSM 6100 Scanning Microscope” at an accelerating voltage of 20 KV. Images were recorded on the photographic film in the form of negatives at different magnifications. Fig. 2 shows scanning electron micrographs of polypyrrole microstructures. Fig. 3 shows a scanning electron micrograph of a single polypyrrole microtube. The electrical conductivity of the polypyrrole microstructures established inside the pores was obtained by measuring the bulk resistance across the filled membrane by a two-probe method. Since the polypyrrole surface layers on the membrane can contribute to the resistance measurement but cannot be completely removed because they ensure the contact between the polypyrrole nanostructures and electrical wires [7], we tried to limit the thickness of these surface layers. Cai et al. [7] indicated that such thin layers did not contribute to the membrane resistance. One side of the membrane was held on the copper electrode and two copper wires contacted the other side of the membrane. Silver paste ensured a good contact and allowed specification of a well-defined crosssection for calculating the conductivity. The conductivity along a single fiber can be calculated from the resistance measurement that provides the bulk resistance of the composite membrane. Assistance R can be written as