As a low-energy method to increase the data rate of optical links in data centers, we propose self-homodyne Nyquist optical time division multiplexing (OTDM). In Nyquist OTDM, spectrally efficient high-baud rate signals can be generated exceeding the limit of electronic signal processing. However, full integration of OTDM systems has not been reported, mainly because of the complicated signal detection scheme, which involves demultiplexing and clock recovery. In our proposal, the Nyquist pulse train is transmitted to the receiver as a local oscillator (LO) to leverage self-homodyne detection, which allows using large linewidth lasers and a simplified digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm. As the transmitted pulse train serves as an optical clock, demultiplexing and detection of the OTDM signal can be performed without using power-intensive high-bandwidth electronics and DSP. In this method, the LO pulse train needs to enter the coherent detector in exact synchronization with the OTDM signal for detecting the individual tributary correctly. For this purpose, we present a pulse delay control method suitable for photonic integration. A Nyquist pulse train with m carriers enables m-time multiplexing of optical signals. We explain and demonstrate the proposed concept in the case of m = 2, as it is the most feasible implementation. In the O-band where the chromatic dispersion (CD) is negligible, DSP-free operation can be achieved using the QPSK format. At the band edges where CD is non-negligible, it can be compensated by the DSP as in the conventional coherent detection. We verify this numerically and in an experiment involving the transmission of a 64-Gbaud QPSK signal at 1550 nm over a single-mode fiber. In terms of low energy, self-homodyne Nyquist OTDM is advantageous in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Taking it into consideration, we perform 4-channel WDM transmission of the 64-Gbaud QPSK signal over a 1-km dispersion shifted fiber without CD compensation. The results demonstrate a data rate of 512 Gb/s with a BER of <1 × 10-10.
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